Friday, March 25, 2011


These days me and my course mate David are getting into
a new (for us) programming language to try its potentialities.
Such language is Python.
We started directly with the version 3 to prepare ourself
with the latest technology. I liked the fact that Python is:
- open source
- relatively young
- general purpose: system programming, GUIs, web (cgi)
- object oriented
Actually I started a small project to explore this language.
In fact to got knowledges about processes, threads, sockets,
synchronization, strings, object serialization, file management,
exception handling,...and so on..the best way is to implement
a terminal chat.
I called this project pyMex and I hope to improve it with a GUI
in the future. 

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Stay tuned, soon I'll try to post the code.

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