On February 2nd The Smart Microgrids Munich Meetup organized its second Meetup, this time hosted by the Siemens AI Lab and focused on the topic of Load Disaggregation and Building Energy Management.
The event opened with a presentation from Benno Blumoser (Siemens), a walk through the AI Lab, its goals and the main thematic areas.
DI Klemenjak (AAU Klagenfurt) introduced the topic of load disaggregation, reported the state of the art techniquest and pinpointed the main challenges that will further engage academia for future investigation.
Prof. Reinhardt from TU Clausthal presented then a framework for the modeling of appliances and the synthetic generation of power load profiles, to be used for sustainability research.
Lastly, Nikolaus Starzacher shares his experiences as CEO of Discovergy, a company commercializing load disaggregation on thousands of users, mainly across Germany.
A fruithful networking and refreshment timeslot concluded the event to allow attendees to fully participate and share their experience. This included attendees from several research institutions (e.g. Fraunhofer, TUM) as well as industry (e.g., Siemens, e.on, PwC, Reply).
For those that might have lost the event, we streamed it on youtube (with a bit of technical effort, thanks Anwar!). Please find it below:
Looking forward to organizing another interesting evening!
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